Thats me in the blue, a little smaller since our last shindig,,,LOL
Thursday, April 29, 2010
AHS Class of 1977 Get Together
Thats me in the blue, a little smaller since our last shindig,,,LOL
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Storage Ideas
Friday, April 16, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
James Cooper Hodge has Arrived

Homemade Fortune Cookies
I have not made it yet, but it looks good.
This is her picture.

And this is what she had to share.
I found two different basic recipes- one with corn starch, one without. Other than that they are pretty similar. I used the cornstarch one this time and it was a tad thick so I thinned it with a few drops of orange juice, as a citrus taste works well in fortune cookies.
I could only bake these 2 at a time, because they have to be hot (and bendable) to get the fortunes in, and they cool fast. So it takes a while to make a batch.
Trial and error. they're more cakey than the ones in restaurants, but taste quite good. As I said, the paper comes out greasy, but NBD. (I think this means, no big deal?) LOL
Combine 2/3 c flour, 1/2 c extra-fine sugar (I used regular) and 1 Tbsp corn starch in a bowl. Whisk in 3 egg whites, 6 Tbsp melted butter and 1 tsp almond extract.
Grease a cookie sheet well and place 2 or 3 *scant* Tbsp of batter several inches apart. Spread it out a little (when the sheet it warm it will spread itself pretty well) or it will be thick and doughy in the middle.
Bake at 350 for 6-8 minutes (I have a "speed bake" on my oven, and once I got the cookies thin enough, they took about 5+) Edges should be browning but the middle still pretty beige when you take them out.
Remove immediately from pan, fold in half with paper strip in between (oh- the "up" side should be the out side. I did the first few wrong) Then bend in half again and place in a muffin tin to keep the bend while it cools.
Repeat... and repeat. This recipe made almost 30 for me- it probably depends on how big you make them. Bigger is ok, just keep them thin.
Thank you Tracy for this recipe.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Princess Lily is now a 1 yr old!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Corn Casserole
Homemade Chicken Noodles
These are my ingredients and tools. Well, except my rolling pin, I forgot it in the picture, imagine that?
I have found that God gave us the best mixing spoons in the world. Yes, I use my hands to mix it all together. I washed them well before hand of course! If your dough is too dry add another egg or two, if its too wet, throw in some more flour. Hey, I never said that I was a master chef ya know!
Then I flour my cutting board, break off a piece of dough and roll it out. (Hey, look! I got the rolling pin in there this time!) Then I use a pizza cutter to cut my noodle strips. It makes my work so much easier!
I just continue until all the dough is cut. I flour the noodles to keep them from sticking together as I go. It helps keep them from sticking together and all the extra flour thickens the broth the make it more gravy like.
I then drop my noodles slowly and individually into my broiling broth, making sure to shake the flour from each into it and stirring as I go. Its my way of insuring that they don't clump up and making the gravy at the same time.
Let them cook on a slow boil for about half an hour. Stirring occassionally to prevent sticking.
Next job? Clean up the mess so I can get the other foods finished. If you're lucky I may just share those recipes too. Or should I say, if I am lucky enough to get it all finished??
Chicken Stock
Tomorrow is Easter. Today I am cooking some things for two family dinners.
So, I have my chicken stock started for a big ol' double batch of homemade noodles.
I got my stockpot going and now I am sitting here sipping on my protein shake for the morning.
Don't forget that I don't cook just weight loss surgery friendly stuff. I have a big family and they love Mom's home cooking. If I let a family dinner go by without making my noodles, I believe there would be a mutiny!
My noodles are something else that I need to thank my former mother in law Ellen for, along with my crochet.
You see my first marriage was at the ripe old age of 17! Well, 1 month before I turned 18, but still a dumb kid.
I knew nothing about nothing, but thought I knew it all. My mother in law gave me some good instruction and I will be forever grateful to her for that.
Chicken Stock
Big pot of water,
chicken, in this instance I used chicken leg quarters
carrots, onions and celery (of which I forgot to include pics)
salt and pepper
Let boil until chicken is tender and falling off the bones.
remove chicken from the pot, strain, making sure you get all the veggies and pieces of bone out of your stock, but reserve all your liquid.
Allow chicken to cool, then pick the meat from the bones, tossing bones, fat and skin.
Chicken can be used in other recipes so I usually bag and freeze the extra.
Sometimes I pressure can my stock for later use in other recipes or I put it into freezer containers and freeze. I think there is a post of that here under the "Canning" label.
When making noodles, I put some of the chicken back into the stock and bring it back up to a boil before adding the noodle dough.
I will add another post after bit as I get the noodles made and the finished product going.