I don't know about you, but, in high school, I never felt that I fit in with very many people. I always thought there was like a separation in our school, like High Class were the rich kids, Middle Class were like the moderately wealthy kids and then Low Class poor kids who were labeled as dumb kids, whether they were or not.
This was my impression at the time so don't all of you classmates start yelling at me!
I wasn't extremely poor, but far from wealthy. My dad worked hard and we had a nice home. He kept decent clothes on our backs and food in our bellies. I just didn't know where I fit into the stereotypes of our school, so I think I chose, subconsciously to not fit in anywhere.
Two years ago, My class was getting ready for our 30 year reunion. I had avoided every other get together because of the way I felt back then and because of all the weight that I had gained. (I was over 100 lbs lighter back then)
In 2007 I received a link to a blog that one of my classmates had started for the class to get back in touch for the reunion information.
Joining this blog has been an amazing experience for me. Many of us have connected in a way that we never could have as snobby mouthy little teenagers. Sorry Guys, but some of us were like that!
Today, we are all either 50 yrs old or soon will be. Some have raised or are raising kids still.
Some like me, are grandparents already. Teenage issues are a thing of the past. All have experienced life issues, good or bad. We look at people and life differently now.
Today we have developed some wonderful friendships. Some are in touch on a daily basis instead of 30 yrs between conversations.
Today, I am honored to call the AHS Class of 1977 my friends!
Until next time,
Hey Liz...boy did you hit the nail on the head in your description of "kids" in high school. I haven't been to mine as late...our 40 year is coming up...I went to the 25 yr. But hey, who can shell out all that money...It's always the high buckers holding the parties and it has to be so lavish. Who cares...heck, hold it at a beach, bring the kids, go swimming, have sack races, tug of war etc. And, those snobs...most of them still haven't changed...(grin)! Can I say Potluck anyone? (chuckle)